jour de célébration

Parlant de psychiatres, un grand psychiatre nous a quitté pour de bon le 7 mars 2007, le Dr. 'Strange Love' Pivnicki, le beau-père de Mulroney; il parait que Lucifer lui a refusé une place en enfer ; il en a peur !

Pivnicki a travaillé pour la CIA dans le projet MK-ULTRA ; seule la GAZETTE de MONTREAL a souligné ce fait ( édition du 8 mars 2007 page C6 ). Le journal mentionne également une enquête de la police auprès de Pivnicki pour une histoire de meurtre.

Mengele est venu au Canada et aurait travaillé pour le dr. PIVNICKI et à St-Jean de Dieu avec Camille Laurin (aka comte Dracula), un grand malade mental du Québec qui est devenu le ministre de la santé.

MULRONEY avait déclenché une commission d’enquête sur la présence de criminels nazis au Canada suite aux nombreuses rumeurs de la présence de Mengele. Mais le rapport stipula que ce n'était que des rumeurs. Bravo, on n'en parle plus et ça continue.

Nous savons de par Cathy O'Brian et Brice Taylor, deux rescapées du programme MONARCH de Mk-Ultra, que Mulroney et Trudeau étaient impliqués avec Reagan, Bush, Cheney, la liste est longue et invraisemblable. Curieux de voir que les deux épouses de ces derniers ont reçu des soins psychiatriques pour dépression. Que savaient-elles qu'elle ne devaient pas dire ou se rappeller ? Et voici que le fils de P-E Trudeau veut se lancer en politique. Manchurian candidate, préparé par son père et suivi par ses mentors ? Quand à Mulroney, il dirige la boîte à contrôle de l'esprit du Québec : Québécor (Télé TVA et LCN +++) 80% des stations de télé, radios, journaux. Pierre Carle Péladeau reçoit ses ordres de qui ?

Qu'est-il arrivé des corps de jeunes enfants qu'on a retrouvé derrière l'hôpital St-Jean-de-Dieu ? L'enquête n'a jamais été révélée. Expérimentations et quoi d'autres ?

Voir clip de Radio-Can :


Rumours, Human Remains

In 1956 – the year Nazi war criminal and former Auschwitz concentration camp Doctor Josef Mengele disappears in South America -- he suddenly starts showing up in Canada. One of the first sightings is at the Allan Memorial Hospital in Montreal, when a man resembling Mengele gets hired by Dr. Ewen Cameron as a research assistant. This new recruit to Cameron’s CIA-funded team is all set to study “the relationship of eye colour to schizophrenia” when word gets out the German-speaking newcomer has connections to Cosa Nostra. Cameron’s colleagues show him the door.

Interestingly, 1956 is when both Mengele’s CIA-affiliated biographers leave off tracking his whereabouts through references to his diaries and letters. After 1956, everything they write about him appears to be based on hearsay, not documents.

Meanwhile, Mengele starts turning up in Quebec hospitals wearing the garb of a Catholic priest. One of the Duplessis orphans, Silvio Day, describes an encounter with Mengele at St. Jean de Dieu Hospital where Day was interned as a teenager in the 1950s and early 60s. Day’s “job”, at the time, was transporting the corpses of fellow orphans killed in secret experiments, from the operating rooms downstairs to the basement morgue for later burial behind the hospital. Day recalls Pere Joseph, one of the German-speaking doctors who worked with hospital director Camille Laurin, later Quebec’s Minister of Health.

There are reports the “Angel of Death” was also seen in BC and Alberta, working on other projects, but no story on Mengele’s visits to Canada has ever made it into the mainstream media. In the mid-1980s there were so many sightings that the Mulroney government appointed a commission. The commission of inquiry dismissed the reports as erroneous. However, Mulroney’s father in law – that’s Mila’s dad, Dr. Dimitri Pivnicki --had been a colleague of Ewen Cameron at the Allan Memorial in the 1950s and 60s when some of the first Mengele sightings took place.

Reports of hundreds of children’s bodies behind the former St. Jean de Dieu hospital, rumoured to be the remains of secret Cold War experiments, suddenly surfaced in 2004 on the front page of the Montreal Gazette. Since then, there has been no follow-up, despite calls for the bodies to be exhumed.

A few months before this news story appeared, I had taken a friend to view what I believed to be a secret graveyard behind the Allan Memorial Institute on Mount Royal in the centre of downtown Montreal. I showed her the three ragged rows of stones, and told her I had been hearing reports that children killed in experiments at the Allan were buried there. For a moment, she stood, horrified. Then a look of pity appeared on her face. In a tone of strangled sympathy, she suggested I stick to writing fiction.


[voir les info sur David Icke pour le contrôle de la pensée, l'esclavage sexuel et la princesse Diana]



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