space program whistleblower, Corey Goode
(( “Corey” Goode (aka GoodETxSG),))
revealed an astonishing fact about a
secret base on the far side of the moon, in his
response to email questions, published on May
20. He described the moon base as belonging to
one of five secret space programs, that he has
earlier disclosed in email responses and public
internet forums, as the “Dark Fleet” which
exploits humans, in various ways. Since his
email response, a witness has emerged, who
claims to have traveled to the base in question,
but has no recollection of what happened inside.
A second witness, identified in this article,
has also travelled to a secret moon base, very
likely the same Dark Fleet base, but does recall
what happened. ....(....) It is a Heavily
Guarded and Secret Base, that is at about the 10
o’clock position, on the Back Side of the Moon.
The portion that is visible, is a “Trapezoid
Shape”. It is only accessible to the Dark Fleet
and some ICC Personnel, as well as the Draco
Allied Forces....(...) A member of the
public forum The One Truth, alerted Corey to the
claims of Carolyn Hamlett, who says that she
witnessed a moon base that she was taken to,
after being abducted. She recalled the shape of
the base as being trapezoid, and recreated
it.....(.....) In his other email responses on
May 20, Corey disclosed that he saw personnel on
a secret Mars base, that he believed were being
used as slave labor. Also, he disclosed that
remnants of a top secret Nazi Space program,
survived the Second World War, and allied itself
with an extraterrestrial race, called Draco
Reptilians.....(....) .....likely....
various off-planet bases used by the “Dark
Fleet” and another secret space program, called
the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC),
would also use human slave labor. ...(....)
Niara Terela Isley is a former US Air Force
radar tracking operator, who was forcibly
recruited into a covert program when she
witnessed a UFO ..... (....) She and her
colleagues were instructed to attempt to get a
radar lock on the glowing UFO, and were then
taken into custody by a covert faction of the
USAF. She was then exposed to a number of
traumatic experiences in these military
abductions (MILABs), that she describes at
length in her book, Facing the Shadow, Embracing
the Light (2013). She reveals that she was taken
between eight and ten times to a secret moon
base, that was guarded by Reptilian beings and
used human workers....(....) MILABs are taken
there for that purpose, either for short
periods, or for indefinite periods, as
occurs on Mars. .......(.....) Secret
moon base uses abducted humans, as slave labor
.... there were some stations (Located in
certain areas of the Solar System, where vessels
would dock for repairs, conferences and
personnel transfers etc…), there were also other
bases on some moons and even Venus (on the
surface and in the upper atmosphere). There are
also some bases in nearby Star Systems, that I
know next to nothing about.// The LOC= [Lunar
Operations Command]// Corporate
bases on Mars, and Nazi infiltration of US
Secret Space Program