Objet:            Motion Sciences - December 2001
 Date:            Mon, 17 Dec 2001 01:08:16 -0800
    De:            Joe Firmage <[email protected]>
 Répondre-A:  [email protected]
     À:            [email protected]

Hello friend,

This message is the first of the monthly physics reviews from the people
at Motion Sciences Organization. We had hoped to initiate this series of
monthly newsletters in October, but recent world events have delayed our
schedules. We thank you for your patience.

This first message has been broadcast to Friends, Members and Sponsors
of the Motion Sciences Community, and also a broader group of people who
have expressed interest in these subjects in the past. To receive this
monthy review in the future, please consider supporting our work by
joining the Motion Sciences Community (go to http://motionsciences.org).
We are trying to change the world for the better, and we need and
appreciate your support!

You'll find below links to some of the most fascinating discoveries
being made at the frontier of science today.

I've also included links below to the vocal prerelease of the "Sound of
Harmony" -- the soundtrack to our hit online movie, ENGAGE. They are
effective antidotes to the depression and discouragement that has
followed from the tragic events of September 11. Download the movie and
the MP3 vocal soundtrack from the links below, send them to your
friends, and enjoy!

My friend, there is a new kind of future awaiting us all, if we have the
courage and the will to make it so.

Joe Firmage Chairman Motion Sciences Organization




The widely reported reanalysis of the Large Electron Positron (LEP)
Collider data at CERN is casting serious doubt upon the existence of the
Higgs particle. According to a Dec. 5 report in the New Scientist: "The
legendary particle that physicists thought explained why matter has mass
probably does not exist. So say researchers who have spent a year
analysing data from the LEP accelerator at the CERN nuclear physics lab
near Geneva." See CNN's early coverage of this bit of science history in
the making at

This news has direct relevance to the work of Motion Sciences
Organization. Working with our partners, Motion Sciences' theoretical
studies division, the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics,
has uncovered a promising connection between the electromagnetic quantum
vacuum (also called the zero-point field) and the origin of mass. This
approach is significant because it does not require a Higgs field. Visit
http://motionsciences.org/research to learn more about our work.


As reported in May 2001 by James Meek, Science Correspondent for
Guardian Unlimited:

Researchers in Scotland have come up with a laser device able to grip
and twist objects at a distance. The device, invented by a team from the
physics department at St Andrews University, is able to rotate
microscopic objects, such as a tiny glass rod, twice the thickness of a
human hair, with nothing more than the power of light.

"We've only just begun to realise the possibilities for what we might do
with this technology," said Kishan Dholakia, one of the researchers who
wrote a paper on the "tractor beam" published in the journal Science.

Particles of light have a tiny amount of mass and high velocity, meaning
laser beams exert a slight force on objects they touch.

This property has already been used to create "laser tweezers", tightly
focused beams which can trap microscopic objects and move them from
place to place. But those lasers could not, like traditional tweezers in
a human hand, turn most objects around.

By using two lasers together, the St Andrews team created an
interference pattern in the form of a spiral of light which traps an
object in the arms. Adjusting the beams causes the spiral to rotate,
taking the object with it.

As well as the glass rod, which could be used to stir tiny amounts of
liquid, the scientists have rotated a hamster chromosome, showing how
their technique could be used to study the innermost workings of cells
for medical research.

Another use for the "tractor beam" is in nanotechnology, the science of
building microscopic machines from components not much larger than a few

"Our technique could be used to drive motors, mixers, centrifuges, and
other rotating parts in cheap, tiny, automated technologies of the
future," Dr Dholakia said.

Another member of the team, Michael McDonald, said it would not be
practical to scale up the beam to move bigger objects. The power of the
lasers used was very low, but that did not mean that a laser 100 times
as powerful would be able to move an object 100 times as big.


As reported on PhysicsWeb.org:

Physicists have achieved superconductivity in carbon-60 at 54 K - the
highest temperature yet in the material - and they think they can do
even better. Bertram Batlogg and co-workers at Bell Laboratories in the
US broke the record by adding positive charges - instead of electrons -
to carbon-60 crystals. They believe this is the highest superconducting
temperature attained so far in a non-copper-oxide material (J H Schon et
al 2000 Nature 408 549).

Read more at http://physicsweb.org/article/news/4/12/1.


As reported by Bradley Perrett of Reuters on September 9, 2001:

The U.S. military may have conducted serious research into anti-gravity
based on Nazi studies, a top defense journalist suggests in a new book.

In ``The Hunt for Zero Point,'' journalist Nick Cook says, based on a
decade's research, he believes by the 1950s the U.S. was seriously
working on anti-gravity ``electrogravitics'' technology, which would
lift and propel vehicles without wings or thrust.

``I feel intuitively that some vehicle has been developed, particularly
given that there is this wealth of scientific data out there, and the
Americans have never been slow to pick up on this sort of science,''
Cook, the aerospace consultant for Jane's Defense Weekly, told Reuters
in an interview.



As reported in the October 2001 issue of Astronomy Magazine:

Observations from four spacecraft have identified the inner edge of a
spinning disk of material around a black hole about 5,000 light-years
from Earth. The surprising results show that the disk is much farther
from the black hole than astronomers expected.


Separately, in the Sept. 8, 2001 (vol. 160, #10) issue of Science News
(offline) is an article about a recently measured X-ray/radio flare-up
of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy.  The
measurements, were for the first time, able to pinpoint the location of
this black hole to high precision.  Investigators have reported that
nearby orbiting stars indicate that the event horizon is 30,000 times
larger than it is supposed to be for the measured black hole mass as
predicted by current theory.  And the nearby orbiting matter is 1,500
times farther away from the event horizon than it should be as predicted
by current theory.


After years of preparatory work, on August 13, 2001, Motion Sciences
Organization was launched. Along with our launch, we released a special
online movie -- ENGAGE -- presenting the context and vision of our
Mission. ENGAGE can be downloaded at:


Part of the magic of this online movie its beautiful, energetic
soundtrack. We're pleased to introduce a new version of this soundtrack
by MSO's Matt King, with lyrics by Abby Hasstedt. We encourage you to
download the MP3 at:


Send it to your friends with a link to MotionSciences.org!


Objet:             UFOs and the National Security State
       Date:             Mon, 17 Dec 2001 01:23:41 -0800
         De:             Joe Firmage <[email protected]>
 Répondre-A:             [email protected]
          A:             [email protected]

Hello friend,

>From time to time in the history of science, unexplained threads of
evidence begin to reveal a tapestry clear enough for new patterns to be
seen. I write today to tell you about one such tapestry – revealed in
stunning detail in a new book likely to be ranked one day among the
great works of investigative journalism.

One of the deepest mysteries to confront the discipline of science is
the vast body of unexplained observations filed in the folder (or trash
can, depending upon the biases of the student) labeled “unidentified
flying objects”. Research into UFO phenomena has been a challenging
process for all those professionals courageous enough to climb its
slippery slope – a situation produced by a self-reinforcing cycle of
inattentive science, intense secrecy, and a half-century of
disinformation on the subject.

Yet drowned in a cacophony of books from amateur researchers are awesome
implications of sober analyses from the handful of either very
courageous or very private professionals studying this deep mystery.
After decades of painstaking exploration by credentialed scientists and
journalists, a consensus tapestry is slowly beginning to emerge,
revealing an image of stunning significance to every human being on

While the pattern remains fuzzy, in some respects more than others, an
illuminating tour de force has recently been published. The book is
Richard Dolan’s “UFOs and the National Security State,” published in
2001 by Keyhole Publishing Company. It is a book that every student of
science, government, philosophy and history must read. You may purchase
it at:


Most books on UFOs have reported on one of two areas of research: first,
the empirical data from observations of unusual aerospatial phenomena,
and second, the government's alleged undisclosed investigations of the
phenomena. UFO's and the National Security State presents an integration
of these two threads of research, organized along the generally-known
chronology of events of the Cold War era. Given the period Dolan
examines (1947-1973), this volume focuses on after-the-fact reporting
and analysis rather than primary discovery, and thus major credit is due
the large number of works he references. The combined result is a
phenomenal elucidation of the import and context of the modern UFO

If you take the time to absorb Dolan’s exhaustive and ruggedly-balanced
overview, you may find yourself seriously considering three conclusions
I now hold: (1) we are not alone in the Cosmos, (2) an incredible
chapter in the book of Nature is sealed from public view, and (3) the
community of science may be the only force on Earth strong enough to
unlock that seal… and wise enough to know how to do so.


Having studied the UFO mystery for many years, I have many important
questions. Most of them are focused on the long-term, transformational
implications of the remarkable phenomena reported. Other questions
relate to our understanding of 20th century history and the true present
circumstance of human civilization. I share with you below some of these
latter questions, with the hope that they may at least open your mind,
and at most engage you in a shared quest to open what may be among the
grandest future chapters in our ancient saga.

40 Questions for Scientists Who Care About Truth

1.      What are the implications of physicists’ realization that
"space-time" is not a void, but is rather an ocean-like medium of
energy? (1)

2.      Are scientists and journalists aware of new, broadly-published,
peer-reviewed theories of the nature of gravitation and inertia meeting
every experimental test of general relativity, yet in principle allowing
super-luminal motion of gravity-propelled spacecraft without time
dilation? (2)

3.      If scientific papers speculating on time travel, worm holes, and
‘many universes’ are greeted by the press with respectful wonder and
awe, why are scientific papers speculating on notions far less exotic –
propulsion systems not requiring that we shoot matter out of a nozzle –
greeted with skeptical disdain, especially when no empirical data exist
to support the former, while much exists to support the latter?

4.      Are scientists and journalists aware that much of the research
staff on a pivotal government-funded study of UFO evidence – the Condon
Committee – resigned or were fired when they challenged its director’s
intention to report a pre-ordained conclusion that all UFO sightings can
be explained in mundane terms? (3)

5.      Are scientists and journalists aware that the chief scientific
consultant in the Air Force's Blue Book study of UFOs later
characterized the project as a publicity maneuver to mollify the public,
himself convinced by the evidence he saw that genuine, unexplained
aerospatial phenomena are in our midst? (4)

6.      Are you aware that reports of these two government-funded,
now-discredited studies – the Condon Committee and Project Blue Book –
are the primary reasons why most scientists and journalists have
dismissed UFO evidence as pseudoscience? (5)

7.      Are scientists and journalists aware that hundreds of thoroughly
credentialed pilots and military officers have officially documented
sightings of structured craft demonstrating motions possible only
through gravitational propulsion, and that some of these sightings are
accompanied by radar records? (6)

8.      Are scientists and journalists aware that hundreds of thousands
of similar sightings have been made by people around the world, dating
back thousands of years? (7)

9.      Why have U.S. intelligence agencies refused an official request
by the Federation of American Scientists to release their budgets for
the years 1947 through 1970? (8)

10.     May there have been a larger reason than Cold War fears driving
the establishment in 1947 of the National Security Act, the CIA, and the
Air Force?

11.     Why were administrative and communications records from the
Roswell Army Air Force Base covering the period 1945-1949 destroyed
without explanation? (9)

12.     Why did defense contractors' ubiquitous predictions in the 1950s
of the emergence of gravitational propulsion systems suddenly go quiet?

13.     Why did the National Security Agency and partner organizations
secretly begin tapping land-line phone conversations world-wide by the
1950s, expanding the capability in recent decades to include most
satellite communications? (11)

14.     Why did President Eisenhower, in his nationally televised
farewell address, bluntly warn his fellow citizens of the “potential for
the disastrous rise of misplaced power”, sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex? (12)

15.     Are scientists and journalists aware that, on November 12, 1963,
President Kennedy issued National Security Action Memorandum 271
directing NASA to begin preparations for a joint space program with the
Soviet Union? (13)

16.     Are scientists and journalists aware that among thousands of
pages of allegedly-authentic leaked classified documents relating to
UFOs is a purported memorandum from President Kennedy, also dated
November 12, 1963, directing the intelligence community to begin sharing
classified UFO files with NASA in preparation for a joint US-USSR space
program? (14)

17.     Are scientists and journalists aware that perhaps history’s most
quoted and respected debunker of UFO sightings, Harvard astronomer Dr.
Donald Menzel, was in fact a consultant with Top Secret Ultra clearance
to the National Security Agency? (15)

18.     Why did President Reagan mention the hypothetical scenario of an
extraterrestrial presence around Earth in several of his most important
speeches, including to the United Nations? (16)

19.     May there be a deeper reason explaining why President Bush is so
adamant about fielding a new defense shield against ‘21st century
threats from rogue objects in the air and space’?

20.     Why has President Bush ordered that presidential papers
following the Carter administration may be concealed from our democracy
forever? (17)

21.     When the vast majority of U.S. advanced physics research has
been funded by the military-industrial complex, what discoveries may
have been concealed long ago under the premise of National Security?

22.     Are you aware that former leading officials of the French Air
Force and Space Agency published a report in the summer of 2000 stating
their appraisal that some UFOs are likely spacecraft of extraterrestrial
origin, and that the U.S. probably has come into possession of
extraterrestrial craft? (18)

23.     Are you aware that prominent U.S. physicists have begun to come
out in support of the likelihood that some fraction of UFO sightings do
indeed identify spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin? (19)

24.     Are you aware that the Aerospace Editor for Jane’s Defense
Weekly – among the world’s most respected defense analysis journals –
publicly released less than 90 days ago the following conclusion after
ten years of research: the U.S. military has likely been experimenting
with gravitational propulsion systems for many decades? (20)

25.     If the music industry can align all powers in its possession to
obliterate Napster’s liberation of songs, what might vastly larger
interests have done with energy and propulsion technology that would
liberate electricity and transportation… and global politics?

26.     How might human civilization have (d)evolved if Faraday’s
discovery of the principle of induction was made not in the public
domain, but in a secured facility, deemed a “national security threat”
by virtue of its power to revolutionize steam locomotion and oil-based
lighting infrastructure, and kept secret for half a century?

27.     If there is a world-changing secret buried within our National
Security State, which dynastic interests most likely govern it today?

28.     If the massive National Security Agency and National
Reconnaissance Office were kept entirely secret for decades, is it
possible that other large, classified programs remain largely unknown to
Congress and the public?

29.     Are you aware of the lengths to which the
military-industrial-intelligence community could go to prevent
revelation of world-changing knowledge, if such knowledge would
thoroughly challenge its power structure, and if there are indeed severe
risks of misuse of resulting technology? (21)

30.     Do you believe that the revelation of past contact with
extraterrestrial life forms could profoundly transform our world for the
better, giving us all an inspiring, unifying perspective of the grandeur
of the Cosmos from which we spring, and pointing to new technologies
that could dramatically reduce humanity’s environmental footprint on

31.     For how long will scientists and journalists continue to be
happy with spoon-fed denials by officials of any significance to the
following documented quotes? (22)

”Before we could do any more, the Army, after conferring with [U.S.]
officials, ordered the investigation stopped.” - Renowned physicist Dr.
Paul Santorini, on UFOs over Greece in 1946

”The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or
fictitious.” – General Nathan Twining, September 23, 1947, Chairman,
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1955-1958

”Army intelligence has recently said that the matter of ‘Unidentified
Aircraft’ or ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,’ otherwise known as ‘Flying
Discs,’ ‘Flying Saucers,’ and “Balls of Fire,’ is considered top secret
by intelligence officers of both the Army and Air Forces.” - 1949 FBI
memo on UFOs

”In view of the wide interest within the Agency … outside knowledge of
Agency interest in Flying Saucers carries the risk of making the problem
even more serious in the public mind than it already is.” - CIA memo,

”I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not
manufactured by any nation on Earth.” – Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding,
Commander-in-Chief, Royal Air Force Command, London Sunday Dispatch,
July 11, 1954

”Reliable reports indicate there are objects coming into our atmosphere
at very high speeds and controlled by thinking intelligences.” - Navy
Admiral Delmar Fahrney, public statement, 1957

”The trick would be to describe the project so that, to the public, it
would appear a totally objective study, but to the scientific community
would present the image of a group of nonbelievers trying their best to
be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer.”
- Robert Low, University of Colorado senior administrator, former
intelligence officer, and assistant director of the Condon Committee, in
a confidential 1966 memo suggesting the approach of the Condon UFO study

”My study of past official Air Force investigations (Project Blue Book)
leads me to describe them as completely superficial… Officially released
‘explanations’ of important UFO sightings have been almost absurdly
erroneous.” – Dr. James McDonald, speech to American Meteorological
Society, 1966

”When the team was ten miles from the landing site, static disrupted
radio contact with them. Five to eight minutes later the glow
diminished, and the UFO took off. Another UFO was visually sighted and
confirmed by radar.” - Classified report by an Air Force Strike Team at
Minot AFB, 1966

”Unknown objects are operating under intelligent control... It is
imperative that we learn where UFOs come from and what their purpose
is... Behind the scenes high ranking military officers are soberly
concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many
citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” –
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, first Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency, public statements in 1960

”I had the evidence that a crash did happen… I ask [you] this, were you
there with me? Did you have the clearances? They can’t answer these
questions. They simply criticize with no evidence.” – Colonel Philip
Corso, former head of the Foreign Technology Desk, United States Army
Research and Development and National Security Advisor, Eisenhower
Administration, on video in 1998 shortly before his death

”Because of the developments of science, all countries on Earth will
have to unite to survive and to make a common front against attack by
people from other planets. The politics of the future will be cosmic,
or  interplanetary.” – General Douglas Macarthur, October 8, 1955, New
York Times

”Congressional investigations … are still being held on the problem of
unidentified flying objects and the problem is one in which there is
quite a bit of interest… Since most of the material presented to the
Committees is classified, the hearings are never printed.” - Congressman
William H. Ayres, 1958

”I've talked with people of stature – of military and government
credentials and position – and heard their stories, and their desire to
tell their stories openly to the public. And that got my attention very,
very rapidly... the first hand experiences of these credible witnesses,
now in advanced years and anxious to tell their story. We can't deny
that, and the evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real
incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material
was recovered from that crash site.” -Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14
astronaut, from a taped interview in 1998.

”[I am] disturbed by the way in which the CIA has been diverted from its
original assignment… [It has] become a government all of its own and all
secret. They don’t have to account to anybody.” - President Harry S.
Truman, Washington Post, December 22, 1963

”Maximum security exists concerning the subject of UFOs.” – Allen
Dulles, 1955, Director of Central Intelligence and later member of the
Warren Commission

32.     Will the community of scientists – stewards of humanity’s
wisdom, knowledge, history and future – look away in denial of
overwhelming evidence that the Cold War’s
capitalist-military-intelligence complex has managed the epochal process
of CONTACT for at least a half-century under cover?

33.     How properly could such a singular process have been conducted,
deprived for at least five decades of the diverse wisdom, knowledge and
perspective of millions of philosophers, cosmologists, physicists,
chemists, biologists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists,
engineers, ethicists, historians, journalists, artists and scholars of

34.     If a vital truth of our very Nature has been concealed from us,
may that in part explain humanity’s continuing struggles with religious,
political, economic, technological, and psychological adolescence –
consequences of the lingering imposition of a flat-earth worldview?

35.     If governments were to grant relief of security oaths relating
to information on UFOs, call for witnesses to step forward and see no
witnesses forthcoming, then wouldn’t the question of government cover-up
be put to rest succinctly?

36.     If, on the other hand, governments were to refuse to offer
relief of security oaths relating to information on UFOs or refuse to
call for witnesses to step forward, then what may we conclude?

37.     When will we band together, demanding relief of security oaths
for those with first-hand knowledge to testify in open hearings before
the United States Congress and the people of Earth?

38.     Do we or do we not have both the right and need to learn the
truth of our Nature?

Many people – mainly those who’ve not studied the UFO mystery deeply –
have asked me, “Joe, you’re a smart guy. You can live a great life doing
whatever you want. Why are you complicating it by raising such

The social paradigm of the second millennium is hurtling us into what
scientists now call the Sixth Great Extinction of life on Earth. (23)
Forests are disappearing. Fisheries are becoming depleted. Oceans and
lakes are being flooded with wastes. Aquifers are emptying. Weather
patterns are shifting. Human numbers continue to climb. Earth’s
biosphere cannot sustain the existing footprint of civilization, with
billions still in abject poverty. And as of 2001, capitalism is
programmed to lift the developing world into U.S.-style patterns of
consumption using the 20th century’s platform of technologies, and more
than one billion people in China have just officially joined this
program. (24)

Yet human beings everywhere are asking, “Is this what life is supposed
to be about?”

Our worst challenges require our best solutions. I do not believe that
most people are aware of the relevance of the UFO question to the
solutions humanity needs in order to survive and thrive upon our
precious, blue-green, Cosmic coral reef.

This leads me to ask two final questions.

Leaders, scientists and journalists, I ask you:

Is “Know Thyself” to be limited by the rule of secret councils of the
capitalist-military-intelligence complex?

Have you read Rich Dolan’s masterpiece of journalism: UFOs and the
National Security State?

A renewal of life on Earth and an inspiring future for all the world’s
children await minds and hearts of science to stir from a long slumber.

Joseph P. Firmage November 22, 2001

”I believe no other problem within your jurisdiction is of comparable
scientific and national importance. These are strong words, and I intend
them to be…

”I now regard the [extraterrestrial hypothesis] as the one most likely
to prove correct.”

- Dr. James McDonald, testimony to the United States Congress, 1968;
this brilliant, courageous, world-renowned scientist apparently
committed suicide three years later.

1. For an overview and references, see
2. For an overview and references, see
3. Dolan, R., UFOs and the National Security State, p. 428-440
4. Dr. J. Allen Hynek on camera shortly before his death in 1985
5. Dolan, R., UFOs and the National Security State, p. 456
6. Dolan, R., UFOs and the National Security State, p. 493-499
7. Thompson, R. Alien Identities, Govardhan Hill, 1995
8. http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/2000/12/ciaig.html
9. Dolan, R., UFOs and the National Security State, p. 58-59
10. Cook, N. The Hunt For Zero Point, 2001, available at
11. Dolan, R., UFOs and the National Security State, p. 274; see also
12. See transcript at
13. See official archive at http://www.jfklibrary.org/nsam271.htm
14. These and other controversial documents can be examined at
15. Letter from Menzel to JFK, 1960; Friedman, S. Final Report on
Operation Majestic 12, 1990
16. See http://www.isso.org/inbox/ubd/quote/quogov.htm
17. See http://www.msnbc.com/local/wrc/nbcl3ptdltc.asp
18. See http://www.cufos.org/cometa.html
19. Listen to Dr. Michio Kaku’s remarks at
http://abcnews.go.com/onair/correspondents/wallace/internetexpose/#abc ;
see also H. E. Puthoff, SETI, The Velocity-of-Light Limitation, and the
Alcubierre Warp Drive: An Integrating Overview, Physics Essays 9, 156
(1996), online at http://earthtech.org/publications/
20. Cook, N. The Hunt For Zero Point, 2001, available at
21. Evaluate Weiner, T. Blank Check, 1991, and Bamford, J. Body of
Secrets, 2001
22. These and other important quotes can be found at
23.   See

24.  See