Further moves were put in train by the Supreme Court to accept the resignation letter of President George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, which he had signed in the middle of February 2008, in response to multilateral international pressures focused through the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Multiple treason charges were prepared.(( see Wantagate: http://www.worldreports.org/news )).
By the end of March 2008, John Roberts was still holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC. In this, and as a prominent Roman Catholic, he was thought to have the support of senior American Roman Catholic archbishops and cardinals, the Vatican in Rome and the Crown Temple in London. More details here.
this one from:
Attorneys acting for each of the fifteen USA cabinet secretaries were then reported to have been fired by President George Bush Jnr, who was in Africa. Trillions of USA dollars were discovered to have been stolen from the Wanta Plan and NESARA funds in recent days. These monies were located and restored by the USA Supreme Court and its international agents, with substantive positive energy being supplied by the fifteen sacked attorneys. A resignation letter signed in the middle of February 2008, by George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, was on the cusp of being accepted by the USA Supreme Court. This acceptance was thought likely to be followed by the arrest of the entire Bush cabinet on treason charges. Timing and international news management was being discussed. The Wanta Plan and NESARA funds were thought to be ready for release, delivery and economic receipt by the end of Friday 29th February 2008. This date came and went amid furious activity behind the scenes and a corporate mainstream media blackout of an intensity previously unknown in peacetime. The NESARA-designated temporary replacement USA administration was briefed and ready to take over. This was said to include Dennis Kucinich (Democrat - Ohio), among others. The current USA Presidential election campaign would be cancelled. Pandora's suitcase would be opened; long-concealed truths would be made known. In six months' time, after the abolition of the Federal Reserve Board, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Homeland Security, Patriot Acts I and 2, and the restitution of the lawful USA Constitution, new USA elections would be held...............................
On the morning of Friday 14th March 2008, there was an elite-led and coordinated attempt to steal elements of The Saint Germain World Trust. Active in this conspiracy were Tony Blair, Queen Elizabeth II of England, George Bush Senior, George Bush Junior and a French relation of Barbara Bush. The attempted theft failed. [ Au matin du vendredi 14 mars 2008, il y avait une tentative menée par l'élite et coordonnée de voler les éléments de The Saint Germain World Trust. Les Actifs dans cette conspiration étaient Tony Blair, la Reine Elisabeth II d'Angleterre, George Bush Senior , George Bush junior et une relation française de Barbara Bush. La tentative de vol a échoué. ]
On Wednesday 27th February 2008, George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, sent a legal team to the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC to request immunity from the multiple Treason charges facing him. At the same time, George Bush Snr, the 41st President of the United States of America, sent a legal team to the International Court of Justice in The Hague (Netherlands) to request immunity from the multiple Treason charges facing him. Due process was observed by both courts. The submissions were considered. Both courts rejected the requests.
The Treason charges against both men stood as detailed. As George Bush Snr once said to a close confidant: "If the American people ever find out what we have done they will hang us from the lamp post." Whistleblowers inside the USA Supreme Court, and in Europe at The Hague, were becoming weary with establishment toleration of the Bush White House's never-ending delay tactics. To force the issue, they were preparing to distribute electronic files of the Presidential Treason hearings to open-access websites in a number of different jurisdictions and languages around the world.
In the first week of March 2008, the behind-the-scenes chaos ratcheted up a notch. (...) Death threats flew in the direction of alternative news webmasters, obfuscatory disinformation multiplied, and the USA military again refused President George Bush Jnr's orders to create a diversionary war in the Middle East by nuking Syria and Lebanon as Israel was urging.
The President was expected to fire Admiral William Fallon, the Commander of USA Central Command, for declining the turkey-shoot. Israel had told Bush to "get rid of Fallon, or we will". On Wednesday 12th March 2008, Admiral Fallon announced his early retirement after only a year in post. Before he left, Fallon consulted closely with his senior military colleagues. He did not resign until he was certain that his policy of blocking the Bush-Cheney Middle East warmongering would be continued. Fallon was expected to return after the NESARA shakeout. [On s'est attendu à ce que le Président ait renvoyé(tiré) l'amiral William Fallon, le Commandant du Commandement Central des ÉTATS-UNIS, pour avoir baisser le tiré dinde(tué dinde). Israël avait dit à Bush "de se débarrasser de Fallon, ou nous le ferons nous-mêmes. Mercredi le 12 mars 2008, l'Amiral Fallon a annoncé sa préretraite après seulement un an au poste. Avant qu'il ne soit parti, Fallon a consulté étroitement ses collègues seniors militaires. Il n'a pas démissionné avant qu'il ne soit certain que sa politique(police) de bloquer Bush-Cheney au Moyen-Orient warmongering serait continué. On s'est attendu à ce que Fallon ait retourné après le tassement NESARA. ]
Just before Fallon resigned, the particular Bush-clone who had been threatening him was removed and terminated with a single gunshot to the head. A different lookalike clone replaced him in the presidential rotation. [Juste avant Fallon résigné, le Sosie
pages of Alcuin:
My name is God and these are My instructions
The Decapitation of Darkside America
Bush White House begins to disintegrate
The American-led worldwide banking crisis of 2007-8
The opening of Pandora's suitcase